Auricular Acupuncture and Self Soothing Techniques
We provide Auricular Acupuncture and self-soothing techniques to service users who are experiencing stress or anxiety associated with their substance abuse recovery. The members of our therapeutic team who are trained in auricular acupuncture and hold a valid certificate will provide this treatment.
Auricular Acupuncture involves the gentle placement of sterilized disposable needles into specific sites on each ear. The recipient can then sit quietly for up to 30-45 minutes allowing the treatment to take effect.
Auricular acupuncture is an adjunct therapy which is clinically effective, cost-efficient and drug-free. The combined application of acupuncture with one-to-one support/counselling enhances opportunities for success.
Benefits of Auricular Acupuncture include:
Reduced cravings for alcohol and drugs, including nicotine.
Minimized withdrawal symptoms.
Increased calmness, better sleep, and less agitation.
Relief from stress and emotional trauma.
An easier connection with counselling.
A discovery of inner quiet and strength.
Contact Details
St. Dominic's Contact Centre, Dominics Road, Tallaght
D24 PXE8
01 46 20 624
01 414 8632
083 337 71 29